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Your Comprehensive Risk Management Solution

In today’s dynamic business landscape, effective risk management is crucial for sustainable success. KnowRisk®, developed by CorProfit, equips organizations with the tools and insights to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.

Why Choose KnowRisk® ?

Comprehensive Risk Management

KnowRisk® provides a holistic approach to risk management, encompassing all aspects of your business. From operational risks to strategic and financial risks, our solution ensures you have a complete understanding of your risk landscape.

Customizable to Your Needs

Every organization is unique, and so are its risks. KnowRisk® offers customizable features that adapt to your specific industry requirements, helping you implement a tailored risk management strategy.

Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

Stay ahead of potential threats with real-time risk monitoring and reporting. KnowRisk®'s advanced analytics and dashboards provide actionable insights, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly.

User-Friendly Interface

We believe in making risk management accessible to everyone. KnowRisk®'s intuitive interface ensures that your team can easily navigate and utilize the platform, maximizing productivity and efficiency.

Key Features

Risk Identification

Comprehensive tools to identify risks across your organization.

Risk Assessment

Advanced methodologies to assess the potential impact and likelihood of risks.

Reporting and Analytics

Generate detailed reports to inform your risk management strategy.

Mitigation Strategies

Develop and implement effective risk mitigation plans.

Real-Time Dashboards

Monitor risks in real-time with customizable dashboards.

Our solutions

Comprehensive Risk Management System
KnowRisk® offers customizable tools for real-time monitoring, advanced analytics, user-friendly dashboards to help organizations of all sizes identify, assess, and mitigate risks.
KnowRisk® Essentials
Simplified Risk Management for SMEs
KnowRisk® Essentials offers core risk management features like risk identification, assessment, and basic reporting as a straightforward and resource-efficient solution.
Risk Consulting Service
Expert Guidance for Optimal Risk Management
We offer tailored support for developing and enhancing risk management frameworks, from assessments to strategy implementation.
Risk Training Programs
Empowering Your Team with Risk Management Skills
ATC’s training programs equip your team with skills in risk management, identification, assessment, mitigation and KnowRisk® software, customized to your needs.
KnowRisk® GRC
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Integrated Solution
GRC integrates governance, risk management, and compliance, enhancing efficiency with features like compliance tracking and integrated reporting.
KnowRisk® ERM
Enterprise Risk Management for Large Organizations
Robust solution for large enterprises, featuring advanced tools like scenario analysis and strategic planning to ensure continuity and resilience.
Audit and Assurance Services
Independent Risk Audits and Assurance
Validation of risk management frameworks, ensuring adherence to industry standards and enhancing stakeholder confidence through actionable recommendations.
Cyber Risk Management
Protecting Your Business from Digital Threats
Identifying cyber threats and safeguarding digital infrastructure, ensuring business continuity with expertise in threat identification, assessment, and mitigation.
Business Continuity Planning
Ensuring Resilience in the Face of Disruption
ATC’s Business Continuity Planning minimizes downtime by ensuring organizations can operate during disruptions with comprehensive plans and recovery strategies.
Risk Culture Development
Fostering a Risk-Aware Organizational Culture
ATC’s Risk Culture Development programs embed risk awareness and proactive management practices into organizational culture, prioritizing risk management at all levels through targeted training, workshops, and ongoing support.

Transform your risk management today

Embrace a proactive approach to risk management with KnowRisk®. Empower your team with the insights and tools they need to manage risks effectively and drive your organization towards a secure and prosperous future. Contact us for a demo or to learn more on how KnowRisk® can revolutionize your strategy.


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