
Project Management Professional (PMP) (1)


Jan 6 - Dec 31, 2023


Online - Self paced learning



The Project Management Professional (PMP)® is the world’s leading project management certification. It demonstrates project leadership experience and expertise across all project management methods, including predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches. Organizations find the right people to help them perform and work smarter, and it boosts career prospects for project leaders in multiple industries.


Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Do a quick online job search, and you’ll see that most available project manager positions list “PMP certification” as either required or strongly preferred. PMP certification is worth it because it can get you a 25% higher salary than non-credentialed professionals. Additionally, you can get an ROI in the range of 300% by doing PMP. As of 31 July 2020, there are 1,036,367 active PMP-certified individuals and 314 chartered chapters across 214 countries and territories worldwide.


Below are some pre-requisites that you need to have to get the globally recognized PMP certification:

Exam Deails

All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience.

Who benefits

This course is designed for individuals with on-the-job project management experience regardless of whether their formal role is project manager.

Learning Goals

If you are an experienced project manager looking to supercharge your career, our training program will help you:

Topics Covered

The Learning Objectives for this offering are based on:

ATC PMP Course is above and beyond all others. It includes: ATC has an enhanced ECO (exam content outline) to show for each Task that the exam covers the related PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) 6th edition 7th edition pages and lesson and topic numbers in the student workbook, making it easier to study

The ATC instructor is experienced, dynamic, and engaging and has helped thousands of students pass the PMP Exam on the first try

We have highly interactive virtual sessions using whiteboards, polls, chat, breakout groups, and fun team-based contests, ensuring no one will be bored.

If you asked PMPs for their top recommended study tips, the number 1 response would be practice questions. ATC has compiled a list of mock exam questions, and you can select questions for each of the 35 tasks in the exam ECO

The instructor uses simplified language with clear definitions of terms and examples. Real-world anecdotes and analogies with customer industry-specific examples and interactive questions make it easy to comprehend the topics.

You won’t be alone. We set up a SLACK channel for each cohort to allow members to ask questions and to share valuable information with other participants and the instructor

Participants will also have access to exclusive content that we will make available in a shared drive to ensure you have all the materials you need to pass the exam for the first time

50% of the exam question (90 of 180) will have an Agile and hybrid focus. We ensure that you will be up to speed on Agile principles and practices with exclusive access to ATC Agile lessons and on-demand Agile videos, which are concise and engaging. They include:

  • Introduction to Agile Scrum
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Events
  • Building and Maintaining the Backlog
  • Agile Prioritization and Estimating
  • Release Planning
  • Kanban Overview
  • A Hybrid Approach to Project Management
  • Implementing Scrum and Kanban


  1. People: 42%
  2. Process: 50%
  3. Business Environment: 8%


Important note: The research conducted through the JTA validated that today’s project management practitioners work in a variety of project environments and utilize different project approaches. Accordingly, the PMP certification will be reflective of this and will incorporate approaches across the value delivery spectrum. About half of the examination will represent predictive project management approaches and the other half will represent agile or hybrid approaches. Predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches will be found throughout the three domain areas listed above and are not isolated to any particular domain or task. The exact number of items for each question type and approach may vary by form. Our scoring model is periodically reviewed by scoring experts to ensure valid assessment of knowledge and skills.

Domain I – People—42%

Task 1 – Manage conflict

  • Interpret the source and stage of the conflict
  • Analyze the context for the conflict
  • Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution

Task 2 – Lead a team

  • Set a clear vision and mission
  • Support diversity and inclusion (e.g., behavior types, thought process)
  • Value servant leadership (e.g., relate the tenets of servant leadership to the team)
  • Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, collaborative)
  • Inspire, motivate, and influence team members/stakeholders (e.g., team contract, social contract, reward system)
  • Analyze team members and stakeholders’ influence
  • Distinguish various options to lead various team members and stakeholders

Task 3 – Support team performance

  • Appraise team member performance against key performance indicators
  • Support and recognize team member growth and development
  • Determine appropriate feedback approach
  • Verify performance improvements

Task 4 – Empower team members and stakeholders

  • Organize around team strengths
  • Support team task accountability
  • Evaluate demonstration of task accountability
  • Determine and bestow level(s) of decision-making authority

Task 5 – Ensure team members/stakeholders are adequately trained

  • Determine required competencies and elements of training
  • Determine training options based on training needs
  • Allocate resources for training
  • Measure training outcomes

Task 6 – Build a team

  • Appraise stakeholder skills
  • Deduce project resource requirements
  • Continuously assess and refresh team skills to meet project needs
  • Maintain team and knowledge transfer

Task 7 – Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

  • Determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
  • Prioritize critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
  • Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
  • Re-assess continually to ensure impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team are being addressed

Task 8 – Negotiate project agreements

  • Analyze the bounds of the negotiations for agreement
  • Assess priorities and determine ultimate objective(s)
  • Verify objective(s) of the project agreement is met
  • Participate in agreement negotiations
  • Determine a negotiation strategy

Task 9 – Collaborate with stakeholders

  •  Evaluate engagement needs for stakeholders
  • Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations, and project objectives
  • Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objectives

Task 10 – Build shared understanding

  • Break down situation to identify the root cause of a misunderstanding
  • Survey all necessary parties to reach consensus
  • Support outcome of parties’ agreement
  • Investigate potential misunderstandings

Task 11 – Engage and support virtual teams

  • Examine virtual team member needs (e.g., environment, geography, culture, global, etc.)
  • Investigate alternatives (e.g., communication tools, colocation) for virtual team member engagement
  • Implement options for virtual team member engagement
  • Continually evaluate effectiveness of virtual team member engagement

Task 12 – Define team ground rules

  • Communicate organizational principles with team and external stakeholders
  • Establish an environment that fosters adherence to the ground rules
  • Manage and rectify ground rule violations

Task 13 – Mentor relevant stakeholders

  •  Allocate the time to mentoring
  • Recognize and act on mentoring opportunities

Task 14 – Promote team performance through the application of emotional intelligence

  • Assess behavior through the use of personality indicators
  • Analyze personality indicators and adjust to the emotional needs of key project stakeholders

Domain II – Process—50%

Task 1 – Execute project with the urgency required to deliver business value

  • Assess opportunities to deliver value incrementally
  • Examine the business value throughout the project
  • Support the team to subdivide project tasks as necessary to find the minimum viable product

Task 2 – Manage communications

  • Analyze communication needs of all stakeholders
  • Determine communication methods, channels, frequency, and level of detail for all stakeholders
  • Communicate project information and updates effectively
  • Confirm communication is understood and feedback is received

Task 3 – Assess and manage risks

  • Determine risk management options
  • Iteratively assess and prioritize risks

Task 4 – Engage stakeholders

  •  Analyze stakeholders (e.g., power interest grid, influence, impact)
  • Categorize stakeholders
  • Engage stakeholders by category
  • Develop, execute, and validate a strategy for stakeholder engagement

Task 5 – Plan and manage budget and resources

  •  Estimate budgetary needs based on the scope of the project and lessons learned from past projects
  • Anticipate future budget challenges
  • Monitor budget variations and work with governance process to adjust as necessary
  • Plan and manage resources

Task 6 – Plan and manage schedule

  •  Estimate project tasks (milestones, dependencies, story points)
  • Utilize benchmarks and historical data
  • Prepare schedule based on methodology
  • Measure ongoing progress based on methodology
  • Modify schedule, as needed, based on methodology
  • Coordinate with other projects and other operations

Task 7 – Plan and manage quality of products/deliverables’

  • Determine quality standard required for project deliverables
  • Recommend options for improvement based on quality gaps
  • Continually survey project deliverable quality

Task 8 – Plan and manage scope

  • Determine and prioritize requirements
  • Break down scope (e.g., WBS, backlog)
  • Monitor and validate scope

Task 9 – Integrate project planning activities

  • Consolidate the project/phase plans
  • Assess consolidated project plans for dependencies, gaps, and continued business value
  • Analyze the data collected
  • Collect and analyze data to make informed project decisions
  • Determine critical information requirements

Task 10 – Manage project changes

  •  Anticipate and embrace the need for change (e.g., follow change management practices)
  • Determine strategy to handle change
  • Execute change management strategy according to the methodology
  • Determine a change response to move the project forward

Task 11 – Plan and manage procurement

  • Define resource requirements and needs
  • Communicate resource requirements
  • Manage suppliers/contracts
  • Plan and manage procurement strategy
  • Develop a delivery solution

Task 12 – Manage project artifacts

  •  Determine the requirements (what, when, where, who, etc.) for managing the project artifacts
  • Validate that the project information is kept up to date (i.e., version control) and accessible to all stakeholders
  • Continually assess the effectiveness of the management of the project artifacts

Task 13 – Determine appropriate project methodology/methods and practices

  • Assess project needs, complexity, and magnitude
  • Recommend project execution strategy (e.g., contracting, finance)
  • Recommend a project methodology/approach (i.e., predictive, agile, hybrid)
  • Use iterative, incremental practices throughout the project life cycle (e.g., lessons learned, stakeholder engagement, risk)

Task 14 – Establish project governance structure

  •  Determine appropriate governance for a project (e.g., replicate organizational governance)
  • Define escalation paths and thresholds

Task 15 – Manage project issues

  •  Recognize when a risk becomes an issue
  • Attack the issue with the optimal action to achieve project success
  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders on the approach to resolve the issues

Task 16 – Ensure knowledge transfer for project continuity

  • Discuss project responsibilities within team
  • Outline expectations for the working environment
  • Confirm approach for knowledge transfers

Task 17 – Plan and manage project/phase closure or transitions

  • Determine criteria to successfully close the project or phase
  • Validate readiness for transition (e.g., to operations team or next phase)
  • Conclude activities to close out project or phase (e.g., final lessons learned, retrospective, procurement, financials, resources)

Domain III – Business Environment—8%

Task 1 – Plan and manage project compliance

  •  Confirm project compliance requirements (e.g., security, health and safety, regulatory compliance)
  • Classify compliance categories
  • Determine potential threats to compliance
  • Use methods to support compliance
  • Analyze the consequences of noncompliance
  • Determine necessary approach and action to address compliance needs (e.g., risk, legal)
  • Measure the extent to which the project is in compliance

Task 2 – Evaluate and deliver project benefits and value

  • Investigate that benefits are identified
  • Document agreement on ownership for ongoing benefit realization
  • Verify measurement system is in place to track benefits
  • Evaluate delivery options to demonstrate value
  • Appraise stakeholders of value gain progress

Task 3 – Evaluate and address external business environment changes for impact on the scope

  •  Survey changes to external business environment (e.g., regulations, technology, geopolitical, market)
  • Assess and prioritize impact on project scope/backlog based on changes in external business environment
  • Recommend options for scope/backlog changes (e.g., schedule, cost changes)
  • Continually review external business environment for impacts on project scope/backlog

Task 4 – Support organizational change

  • Assess organizational culture
  • Evaluate impact of organizational change to project and determine required actions
  • Evaluate the impact of the project on the organization and determine required actions

ATC Training - Exclusive Benefits

Attendee Workbook

Workbook to keep fornotes and examples

2 years Membership

Two years of membership to theScrum Alliance Community

Certificate of Course Completion

Certification to keep showingcompletion of course

Eligibility for Scrum Exam

Preparation for Scrum Alliance Exam &eligibility after course attendance


What is the annual renewal fee?
Your PMI membership is valid for one year from the date of your membership activation. You can track your membership status in your myPMI profile on and can renew the same as soon as 90 days from your expiration date for $139.

In order to provide the most experienced instructors and a superior classroom environment, we must ask you to adhere to our cancellation policy. If it is necessary to cancel or reschedule this registration, please notify us immediately. Our cancellation policy is as follows:

  • A full refund can be claimed 30 days prior to the class start date.
  • No refund will be allowed within 30 days from the class start date, however students may reschedule to another class within one year of the cancellation date.
  • No reschedules allowed within 7 business days unless its an unforeseen circumstances.
  • In the event any cancellation occurred due to low enrollment or unforeseen natural events, ATC will issue a 100% refund.

Exam Name – PMI PMP Certification Exam.

  • Exam Format – Questions will be a combination of multiple-choice, multiple responses, matching, hot area, and limited fill-in-the-blank.
  • Exam Delivery – Computer-based testing
  • Exam Duration – The candidate will have 230 minutes to complete the exam.
  • Number of Questions – 180
  • Language – English

Retake Policy – You may take the examination up to three times within your one-year eligibility period. After three attempts, you have to wait one year from the date of the last examination to reapply.


83% Disc. $899

Exclusive Benefits:

  • Training Conducted by Experts from the industry
  • 1 Year Membership
  • Covering Project Related Support & Setup
  • Exclusive Access to ATC’s Scrum Community

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